ECO is one of Singapore’s leading waste management companies. Our advanced waste management facilities provide one stop, customized and hassle free solutions to handle waste safely and efficiently.
learn moreFully licensed by National Environment Agency (NEA) as a Toxic Industrial Waste Collector and General Waste Collector
Giving waste a new lease of life
From waste, we create value
Making it better than before
Specializing in treating Toxic Industrial Waste and hazardous waste since 1997, we are capable of providing you with excellent solutions to manage your difficult wastes, including wastes that are new to Singapore and unique to the industry.
Equipped with sorting facility dedicated to Industrial & Commercial Waste (ICW), we carry out efficient sorting and recovery.
Manage a wide range of Bio-Hazardous Waste including bio-medical waste, pathogenic waste and cytotoxic waste in safe and timely manner.
Working as a partner at client’s facility, to manage all diverse wastes from the point of generation and reduce management burden.
Providing excellent and customized solutions to address the most challenging environmental issues such as soil remediation, tank cleaning, asbestos survey and removal, underground sump cleaning and decontamination services.
ECO owns and operates a major incineration plant for the treatment of wastewater sludge. We receive the dewatered and dry sludge generated by all of the PUB Water Reclamation plants (WRPs) in Singapore.
ECO offers convenient and secure destruction of any type of product, merchandise or equipment including IP-sensitive wastes in accordance with NEA regulations.
ECO owns and operates an accredited laboratory under the Singapore Accreditation Council - Singapore Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (SAC-SINGLAS) to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for specific tests within the field of Environmental Testing.
We deploy advanced technologies to recover organic wastes (solvents or oil) and inorganic wastes (acids and bases), thereby producing secondary resources for industrial and customer use.
Address21 Tuas View Circuit
Singapore 637358
Main Line+ (65) 6517 3600
Customer Service Hotline+ (65) 6517 3653